One of the greatest books I’ve ever read! Perfect and suitable for all R.Ns regardless of experience. A must have to your nursing bundle continues professional developments.
I have worked with Valeria over the past eight months in a very challenging and complex home. When Valeria joined us, we had very little permanent staff and the culture…
I found your book very interesting. As a nurse of 30 years all the information & skills that was written about I knew, but it was good to go over…
I was just reading this from your book! Very helpful! I am a nurse in the UK for 10 months and I’ve been stressing too much; I lost 8 kg…
“… community or in the acute trust, so I don’t know anything like this. Your breath of knowledge is impressive, that you’ve tackle every area of nursing, which is good….
“I am quite confident that the knowledge that you actually put into this book will be of assistance to a lot of the nurses out there. For us, as a…
An informed man is a strong man, and a nurse cannot practice without being informed at all times. It is an essential condition if you want to have a good…
That’s great, thank you so much for permission to use your testimonial. I will include your book cover, no problem. It may take me some time to get the website…
Hi Valeria! I have to tell you that I was skeptical about buying the book because of the price, but still I was curious to see where I could improve…