An informed man is a strong man, and a nurse cannot practice without being informed at all times. It is an essential condition if you want to have a good and long-lasting career as a nurse in the UK, aside from the training provided by your company, you need to learn and keep yourself updated with the last information in the sector.
With long and tiring shifts it is very hard to find time to read, analyse and structure. From my own experience, I can say that I have done many white nights scouting the internet and trying to find credible and quality information sources. Now I have my list of top 20 useful links for which I used a lot of time and energy to put it together. I had the same dream of being a great nurse. With this book, I would have shortened the way a lot. A synthesis book that contains everything you need and saves a lot of time and nerves, it is a real gold mine. Personally, I would have liked to have access to this book from the very beginning even before arriving in the UK. It’s a perfect radiography of the nursing system, it’s like a full menu you’ve got in front of you and you only have to go through it from starter to desert or according to your informational appetite or your needs at that particular time.
I found a living book, more than a simple compilation of highly accurate and well-structured information. I also found a lot of personal experience, the author’s footprint and the personal evolution from the beginning in her career to the great nurse level where she is now. It is a book as a testimony, as a kind of author’s diary; and if journalistic publication is great for the audience, I’d like to see this volume as a Best Seller amongst debutant nurses, and why not over a few years to continue the adventure of “how to remain a great nurse”.
We are witnesses of a remarkable evolution, of a good human, honest and palpable example that can be done. And it really can be done with a good organization, seriousness, accountability, ambition and power of synthesis, which Valeria Costinar proves in every page of her book. She has done a great job and was not easy work to bring to light some shortcuts, to simplify a redundant and profound language of company policies and procedures (which are not at all attractive to go through). The book is “great” as it speaks in accessible language and it seems so easy to get rid of much of the start-up stress. Suddenly after you go through it seems like it’s not all that complicated as appears in the beginning. It’s a book like a best friend and a good companion that I would warmly recommend to any aspirant for a sustainable nursing career in the UK.