Lansare de carte “Be a great nurse – All you need to know to work as a nurse in UK” in cadrul targului international de carte Gaudeamus #targulgaudeamus2017 Târgul Internaţional GAUDEAMUS…
Dignity in Care in the December 2017 Newsletter is featuring my book “Be a great nurse” #beagreatnurse
“Be a great nurse – All you need to know to work as a nurse in UK” was launched on 6th October 2017 Kester Fraser – BUPA Residents Experienced…
Conform celor mai recente statistici, in Regatul Unit lucreaza peste 250 mii muncitori imigranti din Romania, ceea ce inseamna ca tara noastra este al treilea furnizor de mana de lucru…
Despite all our progress, there are more slaves today than at any previous point in history. In the Nursing industry, this applies to any situation a nurse is forced to…
Bestselling author and speaker released a new upcoming book Be A Great Nurse. It advises readers on how to overcome the very stressful nursing experience especially at the beginning in…